The shiny new expansion is here! In all it's beautiful glory.

In a stunning cinematic from 2019, we saw Sylvanas rip apart the Helm of Domination and in doing so tear through the veil between our world and the Shadowlands. Regardless what you think of the actions in that cinematic, seeing Icecrown Citadel and the Lich King was so exciting.
The Art Team then gave us a veritable feast for our eyes and ears with The Afterlives Shorts introducing the four distinct Covenants with very intriguing storylines, and we cannot wait to see what Blizzard have cooked up for us in this expansion! Arthas featuring in the Bastion Short with the gentle swell of Invincible and that solo playing over it, goodness.
We may be in for a real treat with this one. Regardless, looking forward to the Guild sparking to life and experiencing all the beauty this expansion has to offer together.
Daz, Primarch of Immortalis and The Officer Team