Immortalis is an active multi-gaming community, founded as a Guild in World of Warcraft on 2 May 2009 (EU server - Argent Dawn). Many members of the Guild have had a long presence in World of Warcraft since the game's release in 2004. While our players are predominantly Europe-based we are a distinctly international collective.
The Guild itself has changed over the years to match the evolution of the game and its active members. We look to attract mature and predominantly casual players seeking to join a steadfast, enduring community. A relaxed and friendly atmosphere is the Guild's first priority and philosophy.
We have expanded our WoW Guild into a multi-gaming community, more information on which is available to Guild Members on our Discord.
If this sounds attractive to you - welcome! We hope you're able to form long lasting friendships that extend beyond the game with our Guild, as many others already have.
Guild Officers
Ðaz (Primarch of Immortalis)
Feraanir (Raiding Officer)
Garnath (Social Officer)
Jimioo (Raiding Officer)
Kymchi (Social Officer)
Nathellis (Social Officer)
Raiders - Closed
Socials - Closed

Recruitment Update
Recruitment is currently Closed.
We have reached a comfortable size and therefore recruitment is currently closed to social applicants to allow us to settle into the Guild's expansion. Exceptions remain for family and friends of existing long standing Guild Members, who we will still try to make room for. If you would still like to apply, please head over to our Discord for more information.
MARCH 2023
The Raid Team are looking to expand. We are recruiting for Raiders who main the following classes / specs:
1x Mage
1x Monk (Windwalker)
1x Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)
1 x Priest (Shadow, with Holy off-spec) (raid spot tbc)
Link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sEJ2tFVHjm
If you have applied previously on our forums, please do feel free to make a new application on our Discord for renewed consideration.
We thank all those who have taken the time to apply to the Guild.
Immo on YouTube and Twitch
The Guild YouTube channel is up and running again! Thanks to Lisalla (Semuel) for arranging this and uploading many past raiding videos for the Guild, and to our previous Raid Leader Garnath for getting us on this very slippery slope where our mistakes of rolling off ledges and standing in fire are recorded for all to see. Click the YouTube image above to view.
Our raiders also stream raid nights, click below for the following PoVs:
Feraanir POV - Resto Druid
Click here for Feraanir’s stream.
Lisalla POV - Holy Priest
Click here for Lisalla’s stream.

Dragonflight Expansion Reveal!
Blizzard have just officially announced the next World of Warcraft Retail expansion: Dragonflight! As well as the release of Wrath of the Lich King this year (Invincible never disappoints) which we know our Classic players are really looking forward to.
While we don't know when Dragonflight will be released yet (hopefully Blizzard are taking the "it'll be ready when it's ready" approach given how important the new expansion will be after the turmoil of the past couple of years) enough information has dropped to wet the appetites!
We hope you're looking forward to the new expansion as much as we are, and in the meantime we have cross-factions, pre-expansion build up and beta to look forward to.​

To apply to join the Guild, you will need to head over to the Discord and follow the instructions in the Welcome-Info channel. Please ensure your Username matches the name of the Character you are applying with.
You will need to read the Guild Rules and Raiding Rules (as appropriate) before making an application, and take note of any Recruitment post.

The Forums and Discord 2021
UPDATE 2023: The Forums are closed, and we have finally moved solely to using Discord for all our communication needs, including Guild Applications!
Guild Members: This is not urgent, but if you cannot see the Guild section of the Forums, please request access from the Officers.
While our new Website is accompanied by shiny new Forums, the Immortalis Guild Discord remains our primary method of communication for Guild Members in line with more modern times.
For urgent communication, if a Forum Post is required (due to the length of communication needed) we will let Guild Members know in the usual way through Discord first, with a link back to The Forums for ease. This is going to be infrequent at best given we have had few major changes in the Guild in recent times and prefer to avoid micro managing.
Raiding, Mythic+, and PvP Info

Raiding: Our Raiding Team raid Thursdays and Sundays and aim for Ahead of the Curve in each Tier. Social raiding / alt raiding is something organised by Guild Members separately and on an ad-hoc basis.
Mythic+: There are lots of calls for M+ groups in Guild Chat, most frequently during Friday evenings, all day during weekends and on Tuesday evenings (for those leaving their weekly to the last minute!) although groups can form at any time. The level of M+ varies according to the Key a player has, but our Guild have many who can fill all roles necessary. There is a channel in the Discord server for anyone wanting to organise something in advance or call for aid.
PvP: Rated Battlegrounds are organised by Feraanir and Mysticbeard on Sundays and Tuesdays. While these are fixed teams, when spots need filling there will be calls in Guild Chat. See the Rated Battlegrounds Discord channel for more details. Update 2023: BGs are currently on hold!
RP: While we are on an RP realm, the Guild does not RP as a whole although we are respectful of the roleplaying community. We do however all enjoy chancing upon RP events going on in cities and off the beaten track, which is always great fun to witness.
The vast majority of our players are based in Europe and so the Guild is busiest at typical peak times - after 6pm Game Time weekdays and all day during weekends. Consequently, if you're looking to team up with Guildies bear in mind the sweet spot playtimes. That's not to say you won't be able to form teams outside of peak hours - we are an active Guild, and we encourage our members to always ask in Guild Chat, as often as possible.
For those struggling to get their weekly done, please do make a post in Discord so we can keep an eye out for you!
COVID-19 2020
We are very aware of the significant impact the virus is having on the world and everyone around us, including our Guild Members.
WoW continues to be a safe harbour, but our Members are not immune to the impact of COVID-19 - very few people are. There are greater financial and emotional pressures on everyone as governments continue to take further measures to combat the virus and normal life is put on hold.
We would remind our members to take regular breaks from the screen (ideally once every half hour), keep in touch with your loved ones and take good care of yourselves. For those sat down most of the day, make sure you get up and walk around as often as possible to avoid developing or worsening the health issues caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
Mindfulness has never been more important, so if you are struggling in any way or are feeling frustrated or apathetic in the game, noticeably more now, just take a break and look after you. The Guild will still be here when you get back and WoW isn't going anywhere.
Your wellbeing is of greatest importance, far more than your avatar.
To those who welcome the distraction WoW brings, we hope to keep the Guild a positive, supportive and informative place to be, but please do let an Officer know if anyone is clearly struggling in Guild Chat, or for more serious concerns, notify Blizzard immediately.
We will do what we can to keep each other sane, and keep each other safe.

Shadowlands Inc!

The new expansion is almost upon us, and to mark this occasion brilliant illustrator Courtney (Välla) has created this amazing Hippo-Jailor digital painting for the Guild! A medical illustrator and designer by trade, Courtney can turn her hand to most requests and so if you would like to hire her amazing talent, or better yet buy merchandise with this amazing design including mugs, pillows, posters and more, please do head over to the Stabb Lab Creative shop which can be found at: https://www.stabblabcreative.com/
T&E at BlizzCon 2019

We are immensely proud of Taliesin and Evitel who hosted the BlizzCon 2019 Q&A. We do not want to embarrass them, but this was no ordinary feat. They were charming, fun and engaging, exactly as we have known them to be for the last 5+ years.
This was quite the worrying time after the Free Hong Kong backlash, and Evitel cooking a bun in the oven(!). Thankfully for those of us watching, the BlizzCon audience were surprisingly (or perhaps, unsurprisingly) respectful of the Panel sat before them, the hosts and their environment, with the only two instances arising acknowledged and diffused by Taliesin without fuss.
After the Q&A, Taliesin and Evitel were able to stream Shadowlands live, giving us a sneak peak with their usual witty banter and attempts to read the non-stop scrolling Twitch chat while playing with no keybindings (horrific). We were delighted to see the picture shown at the top of this post when loading up the Battle.net Launcher.
Well done Taliesin and Evitel, what an achievement and a genuine acknowledgement of all your hard work and love for this game. Well done Blizzard team-who-decides-such-things, for an excellent choice. The hosting opportunity could not have gone to two more deserving, wonderful people, and as a Guild we were so happy to see their lovely faces front and center!

Guild News

Argent Dawn (EU)